At Sexual Health Victoria we embrace diversity and welcome everyone of all genders, sex, age, cultural background, sexual orientation, religion and ability.
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Work is underway in Box Hill as part of Victoria's Big Build, which may affect parking and traffic. Please allow extra time when visiting our Box Hill clinic.
Learn More
There are many different contraception methods available. Contraception works to prevent pregnancy.
Combining 50 years of experience with the latest research, we have developed a sustainable and comprehensive whole-community approach.
Some pregnancies are planned and some are not. We provide expert, confidential information, healthcare and support to help you explore all your pregnancy options.
We offer a range of clinical resources on sexual health topics, including IUDs insertions, contraceptive efficacy and options, plus information to support medication termination of pregnancy.
We offer sexual health education sessions for people with cognitive disabilities and for those who help support them.
Our training courses for youth & community workers and organisations help you to empower others with sexual health education.
Join us for a full day of expert-led workshops, interactive sessions, and hands-on training. Tickets on sale now!
Follow us to stay up to date with the latest sexual health information.
A vibrant, informative, and inclusive guide designed to empower young people with essential knowledge about sexual health.
Sexual Health Victoria
Sexual Health Victoria (SHV) is an independent, all-choice, health promotion charity dedicated to education, advocacy and care.
SHV seeks to advance sexual health literacy and build capacity through education services within the primary care and community-based systems to further support people to make decisions about their reproductive and sexual health and well-being that are right for them.
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