
The epididymis is a series of small coiled tubes attached to the back of each testicle that collects and stores sperm.

One of the most common causes of pain in the scrotum is epididymitis, which is an infection that causes inflammation of these tubes.

Epididymo-orchitis is the spread of the infection and associated inflammation to the testicle/s.

Organisations that specialise in this area of reproductive and/or sexual health

Where to get more information, support or advice

  • Contact your local doctor (GP)
  • Contact Sexual Health Victoria's Clinics

This information has been produced in consultation with and approved by: Better Health Channel

Better Health Channel


This website provides general information only. The suitability of such general information varies from person to person, depending on individual circumstances. You should seek specific medical or legal advice for your individual circumstances.

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Last updated: 5 June 2016

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