Medical Abortion (Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTOP / medication abortion)
Medical abortion, also known as the abortion pill, offers an alternative to surgery for people in the early weeks of pregnancy.
Sexual Health Victoria (SHV) is a provider of medical abortion services to people who have been pregnant for less than 64 days.
Below are resources for clinicians who are establishing a medication abortion service in their own practice environments:
This checklist can be modified to suit your practice. It might be helpful to incorporate it into an autofill.
These autofill documents are used at SHV and can be the basis for writing your clinic-specific autofills. Remember, to cross out any sections not relevant to your patient’s care and to add information where appropriate.
Doctor's letter and aftercare
This rich text file can be modified to suit your clinic’s needs and imported into your clinical practice software. There are a number of drop-down boxes that will appear when you open the document from a clinical file. The completed document consists of a doctor’s letter for the person to use if they access another service and detailed information and instructions.
Brief information for patients
These pages are used at SHV to provide brief and salient information to patients about tablet taking and when and who to call for help. They might be useful to alter for your practice.
Taking your medications, codeine PRN
Detailed information for patients
This information is sent to patients prior to a medical abortion at SHVic. It contains links to a brief and informative video about medical abortion and a link to an information sheet about the medical abortion process at SHVic.
The short informative video is suitable for those considering a medical abortion at any clinic.
Clinical guidelines for early medical abortion
Please find below the link to the Royal Women’s Hospital’s clinical guidelines for healthcare professionals caring for patients who have undergone an early medical abortion.
The available guidelines include information that covers:
- Abortion or Miscarriage - Management of Presentation following Medical or Surgical Abortion or Miscarriage
- Abortion medical management to 9 weeks of pregnancy – guideline
- Abortion: principles of assessment and care guideline
Download the clinical guidelines here
Terms and conditions
These resources provide general information only. The suitability of such general information varies from person to person, depending on individual circumstances.
Our clinical resources are subject to copyright. The use, reproduction, distribution or adaptation of Sexual Health Victoria resources is subject to our licence terms, which must be agreed to prior to use.
If you are not a clinician then you should seek specific medical or legal advice on your individual circumstances.
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