Listen to our Doing 'IT' Podcast

Doing 'IT': Our Relationships and Sexuality Education podcast for parents & carers

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Sexual Health Victoria presents: Doing ‘IT’. In each episode, SHV's Schools Educator Anne interviews the experts to help parents, carers and teachers of school-aged children navigate the world of Relationships and Sexuality Education. Want to know more about: bodies, being safe, puberty, sex, sexual health, consent and relationships? This is the podcast for you. Contact us with feedback and suggestions: [email protected]

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Episode #73: Why do you do this job?

In this episode, you will hear from the Sexual Health Victoria Schools, Community and Disability Education team.

Listen to the team discuss why they do this work, what are some of the questions young people ask in these classes and hear the team tell some of their favourite stories from the classroom. You’ll get to hear more from the team on the podcast hosting episodes in the new year.

SHV run professional development for teachers, youth workers and medical professionals. We have many free resources on our website. We also have free teaching activities and a range of online education courses.

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Episode #72: Elevation College

In this episode Leon from SHV talks about embedding a whole school approach to Relationships and Sexuality Education. SHV is working in partnership with a secondary school in Melbourne’s Northwestern growth corridor. Leon unpacks some of the challenges and learnings from working with a large, new, multicultural school.

This project is funded by the DET Strategic Partnerships Program.


Some supporting policies to inform a Relationships and Sexuality Education program are Child Safe Standards; Sexuality and Consent Education Policy; LGBTIQA+ support policy. See Strategic Partnerships Program.

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Episode #71: Drag Storytime

In this episode we speak to performers Dean Arcuri & Jacob Thomas. Sometimes they run Drag Storytime events. Listen to Dean and Jacob describe the many ways that these events bring community, performance and storytelling together in a safe inclusive way for all.


See Dean at Dean Arcuri and LinkedIn. Find Jacob Thomas on LinkedIn. See Rainbow Community Angels for events and news.

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Episode #70: Supporting Multicultural Communities

In this episode we talk to Krushnadevsinh Ravalji (Kano). Kano is the Youth Commissioner at the Victorian Multicultural Commission. We ask him about how educators can ensure that Relationships and Sexuality Education is inclusive and respectful for the multicultural communities that we work with.


See more about Kano at the Third Culture. Find Kano on LinkedIn. See Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health for information and many translated health resources.

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Episode #69: UN Youth Listening Tour. Imogen Kane

In this episode, we speak to the 2023 Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations, Imogen Kane. This role saw Imogen travel across Australia to meet with young people to discover what was important to them. Hear what Imogen learned about the generational divide, sexuality and relationships and the importance of listening.


See Imogen Kane and the UN listening tour. For help learning about the programs that YP are using see the eSafety guide. Youth Affairs Council Victoria has some great information about youth participation and co-design. Find Sexual Health Victoria at

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Episode #68 The Sexual Response Cycle

In this episode, we speak to Anita Brown Major about the sexual response cycle. As an occupational therapist, Anita uses her understanding of physiology to help people understand their own bodies, including what happens during a sexual experience. Sexual response and pleasure is the part of sexuality education that most adults did not receive and is still often not discussed in education. Anita helps us understand more.


Find out more about Anita Brown Major at Thrive Rehab. See online orders for a Cliterate model. See SHV sexual and reproductive anatomy illustrations. Listen to episode #14 The Clitoris. For extra reading about sex and sexual response see Emily Nagoski Come As You Are.

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Episode #67 So, what do you say about gender?

The education team at Sexual Health Victoria sometimes get questions about how we discuss gender, sex and sexuality in a classroom. In this episode, SHV expert educator Chrissy will discuss what we say and why.


See Victorian Child Safe Standards and Victoria Department of Education LGBTIQ Student Support Policy. See research Writing themselves in 4. Advocacy organisation Intersex Human Rights. See Minus 18 for resources and Inclusive Language Guide. Transcend Australia supports families, parents and carers of gender-diverse young people.

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Episode #66: Professor Michael Flood

In this episode, Professor Michael Flood describes types of masculinities that can be harmful to boys, men and the people around them. He also details the benefits of engaging men and boys in efforts to address gender inequality and gender-based violence.


See more about Prof Michael Flood. Read more articles from Michael at xyonline. Michael mentioned The Man Box by Jesuit Social Services. Our Watch have provided lots of information about addressing gender based violence. For more information about SHV @

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Episode #65: Discord

Discord is a social chat app designed initially for the gaming community, now extending to a wide variety of interest groups. In this episode listen to Discord Senior Policy Director, Savannah Badalich explain what Discord does to keep users safe. Part of keeping young people safe online is understanding the platforms they use.


DISCORD and DISCORD Safety centre. See eSafety for reporting eSafety Guide for games apps and social media. For more information about SHV @

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Episode #64: Responding to sexual assault

In this episode, Laura Crozier and SHV educator Chrissy talk about their experiences finding help after being sexually assaulted in high school. Both Chrissy and Laura speak about the vital role of the welfare teams at their schools and the difficulty in disclosing abuse to parents.


Laura works for Youth Affairs Council Victoria. Hear more of Laura’s story on Growing Up Clueless. Sexual Assault Service Victoria is the peak body for specialist sexual assault services and harmful sexual behaviour services.

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Episode #63: 7th National Survey of Australian Secondary Students and Sexual Health

In this episode Dr Jennifer Power talks about the 2022 National Survey of Australian Secondary Students and Sexual Health from Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) at LaTrobe University.

Dr Power talks through some key statistics from the survey as well as providing perspective on why we are so keen to know how much sex young people are having.


See Dr Jennifer Power, LaTrobe University profile. See lots of research from Australian Research Centre in Sex Health and Society. 7th National Survey of Australian Secondary Students and Sexual Health

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Episode #62: Dr Jacqui Hendriks on parental support of RSE

In this episode, Dr Jacqui Hendriks talks about her recent research. Jacqui has led the First national survey of Australian parents and their attitudes towards relationships and sexuality education in schools.


See Dr Jacqui Hendriks Curtain University bio. Link to study will be provided when available.

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Episode #61: Families and Assisted Reproduction

In this episode, two families share their stories of making babies using Assisted Reproductive Technology. Sue and Linda explain some of the process and how they decided to talk to their children about it. Their children, Emily and Elsie, talk about what they understand about how they were conceived.


SHV has free teacher resources to assist with classroom teaching of Assisted Reproduction. These were developed with the support of the Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority (VARTA)

For more about SHV, go to @

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Episode #60: Dr Agli Zavros-Orr on Intersex Advocacy

In this episode, the chair of Intersex Human Rights Dr Agli Zavros-Orr speaks of their advocacy work and their lived experience as a person born with an intersex variation. Young people often ask us how bodies can be different. Agli helps explain the diversity of human sex characteristics.

“It’s really important to challenge existing assumptions about what is intersex and really understand the physical body.”

-Dr Agli Zavros-Orr


See more at Intersex Human Rights Australia. Find Agli’s research at research gate.

See book Raising Rosie for families.

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Episode #59: eSafety. Australia’s Online Safety Regulator.

Part 7 of 7. eSafety. Australia’s Online Safety Regulator.

This series of podcasts is produced with the support of the Office of the eSafety Commissioner.

We will look closely at how young people might engage with sexual content online and how parents and carers can get involved in this discussion.

In this episode Sharon Trotter Education Manager of Education, Prevention and Inclusion talks about the scope of eSafety and the role that they have in prevention of harm online.

See eSafety at Sexual Health Victoria at

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Episode #58: eSafety and Online Sexual Content. Pornography.

Part 6 of 7

This series of podcasts is produced with the support of the Office of the eSafety Commissioner.

We will look closely at how young people might engage with sexual content online and how parents and carers can get involved in this discussion.

In this episode, Dr Zahra Stardust talks about the cultural context of pornography and how consent is vital for its production and distribution. Vanessa Hamilton speaks about her experiences in talking to families about young people, sex and pornography.

See bio for Zahra Stardust. See Talking the Talk (Vanessa Hamilton)

See Mind The Gap eSafety research.

See eSafety at

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Episode #57: eSafety and Online Sexual Content.Sexting

This series of podcasts is produced with the support of the Office of the eSafety Commissioner.

We will look closely at how young people might engage with sexual content online and how parents and carers can get involved in this discussion.

In this episode Dr. Kath Albury and SHV Health Promotion Officer Zara, discuss the language and context of young people sharing sexual pictures.

See Youth Law Australia for legal information. See Dr Kath Albury, Swinburne University.

See eSafety at Sexual Health Victoria at

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Episode #56. eSafety and Online Sexual Content. Grooming.

This series of podcasts is produced with the support of the Office of the eSafety Commissioner.

We will look closely at how young people might engage with sexual content online and how parents and carers can get involved in this discussion.

In this episode Detective Superintendent, Jayne Crossling talks about what grooming is and how the police go about education and investigations.

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Episode# 55 eSafety and Online Sexual Content - Inappropriate

This series of podcasts is produced with the support of the Office of the eSafety Commissioner.

We will look closely at how young people might engage with sexual content online and how parents and carers can get involved in this discussion.

In this episode, we will discuss the word inappropriate. Greg from eSafety talks through the classification system and Fida talks about the appropriateness of RSE in faith-based schools.

More about the Australian classification system. See information about Fida Sanjakdar.

See eSafety at

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Episode#54 eSafety and Online Sexual Content. Curriculum.

This series of podcasts is produced with the support of the Office of the eSafety Commissioner.

In this episode listen to educators talk about how the curriculum includes opportunities to deliver sessions around esafety and sexual content.

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Episode #53 eSafety and Online Sexual Content. What is the Problem?

Part 1 of 7. What is the Problem?

This series of podcasts is produced with the support of the Office of the eSafety Commissioner.

We will look closely at how young people might engage with sexual content online and how parents and carers can get involved in this discussion.

In this episode, listen to parents, a wellbeing coordinator and eSafety talk about why this is a conversation you need to have with the young people in your life.

Find out more about eSafety at

Find out more about Sexual Health Victoria at

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Episode #52 Welcome to 2022

In this episode, Sarah from marketing talks about our new name: Sexual Health Victoria.

Thanks for all the support over the last two years of Doing 'IT'. There is lots more to come in 2022. Please get in touch with feedback or suggestions. [email protected].

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Episode #51: Breast Awareness with Pink Hope

In this episode CEO of Pink Hope, Sarah Powell talks about the importance of breast awareness. Pink Hope is a preventative health hub designed to connect and inform people about cancer risk. Young people frequently ask questions about breasts during puberty. So, what could we tell them about breast cancer risk?


See Pink Hope for more information . Find information on family history and cancer at the Cancer Council. For more information about Sexual Health Victoria at

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Episode #50: Trauma Informed Practice.

In this Episode SHV Schools and Community Manager Brendan Bailey speaks about the principals of trauma informed practice. We know that we deliver sessions to students, teachers and parents who have been impacted by traumatic experiences. So how can we safely deliver information about sex and sexuality with this in mind.


See Berry St Education Model. For more information about SHV including educational resources visit

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Episode #49: Assisted Reproduction. Dr Karin Hammarberg.

In this episode Dr Karin Hammarberg explains what happens when people need medical help to make a baby. We talk about what has changed and what the future of fertility treatments might be.

More about Dr Karin Hammarberg, Monash University. See VARTA for information about ART, including how to discuss this with children.

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Episode #48: Digital Wellbeing and Cybersafety

In this episode we speak with Bec Martin from Evolve Education. Evolve delivers cyber safety information to school aged children and families. Bec has worked extensively as a teacher with primary-aged children to support age-appropriate Digital Wellbeing and Cybersafety. Anne and Bec discuss the links between Relationships and Sexuality Education and Cybersafety to navigate the likelihood that young people find sexual content online.

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Episode #47: The Pronoun Lowdown

In this episode we speak to author Nevo Zisin. Nevo’s new book The Pronoun Lowdown is a simple guide to the changing language around gender. Nevo makes it really clear how and why this is so important to the trans and gender diverse community.


Find more information about Nevo Zisin and their book The Pronoun Lowdown. Minus 18 for support and information. Documentary Disclosure about trans representation in film.

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Episode #46: Sexual Health with 1800MYOPTIONS

In this episode, Cath from 1800MYOPTIONS talks us through the common questions people call with about sexual health. This is a fantastic service to know about and make sure the young people in your life know about too.

Visit for contact details, and information. Call 1800MYOPTIONS on 1800 696 784.

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Episode #45: Abortion 1800MYOPTIONS

18000MYOPTIONS has answered over 14000 calls from people seeking advice and referrals about sexual and reproductive health.

Many callers want to know more about pregnancy options. In this episode, Cath tells us what people want to know when they have questions about abortion.

Visit for contact details, and information. Call 1800MYOPTIONS on 1800 696 784.

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Episode #44: Contraception with 1800MYOPTIONS

Over the next 3 episodes I will be talking to Emily and Cath who work with 1800MYOPTIONS.

1800 My Options is a free, confidential and independent phone service that provides information and pathways to sexual and reproductive health services in Victoria – such as abortion, contraception, pregnancy options and STI testing.

In this episode, Emily tells us exactly what callers want to know about contraception.


Visit for contact details, and information. Call 1800MYOPTIONS on 1800 696 784.

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Episode #43 Enthusiastic Consent

In this episode we deep dive into the navigating the world of sexual consent. We discuss how effective communication skills positively impact pleasurable experiences and what that means both emotionally and legally for young people. We discuss with Sue our expert educator how consent applies to real world experiences and how it can have devastating outcomes if not clearly understood and defined. This is an episode not to miss.


Testimonies and petition from Chanel Contos at Teach us Consent. Educate 2 Empower Publishing for picture books on bodily autonomy. Blue seat studios Consent Is Like A Cup Of Tea and other animated resources. See clip by @theroyals and Clementine Ford explaining consent. Book by Yumi Stymes & Dr Melissa Kang Welcome to Consent. ALL our educational resources are relevant to a conversation about consent go to

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Episode #42 Menstrual Cups

Here at SHV, we are frequently asked about the use of menstrual cups, so we invited Dr Sara, our resident GP, to share her insights. In this episode, we discuss the rise in popularity of menstrual cups as people seek new environmentally friendly ways to manage their periods.


Lunette sells menstrual cups. They also have a youtube channel with short videos about menstrual cups. Diva Cups also have website and information. Also see Diva Cup smaller sizes marketed for under 18’s. See Choice article and abc daily life about menstrual cups.

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Episode #41 How to Endo. Bridget Hustwaite

In this episode we talk to triple J presenter and author Bridget Hustwaite. Bridget shares her experience of endometriosis. It can take a long time to be diagnosed with this chronic disease as it is much misunderstood. We talk about her book ‘How To Endo’ and her insta community ’Endogram’ to help take you on the journey.

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Episode #40 What is a rainbow family?

In this episode, Olivia talks about her experience of being one of two mums in a proud rainbow family. She shares her experiences on starting a family, growing up, and how the marriage equality bill has impacted her family.

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Episode #39 One Night Stand with Simon Taylor

In this episode comedian, Simon Taylor discusses his book ‘One Night Stand’. Simon candidly shares his real-life experience of a casual sexual encounter followed by an unplanned pregnancy. We discuss relationships, sexual health, contraception and what he wishes to tell his younger self.

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Episode #38 Professor Kath Albury on the ethics of sexting

In this episode Professor Kath Albury draws on her research to discuss ethical considerations around young people exchanging sexual pictures. Kath discusses how online sexual behaviour, the law and adult expectations do not always match.

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Episode #36 Laws about sexting - Victoria Legal Aid

In this episode Andrew from Victoria Legal Aid explains the legalities of sexting. We talk through some scenarios that young people often ask about. Understanding sexting and the law is a great way to get this conversation started at home. Note: laws vary between states. Victorian laws are explained in this episode.

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Episode #37 Explaining Pornography

In this episode SHV educator Andrea talks about children seeing pornography. It is usual for young people to be curious about bodies and sex and they sometimes look to the internet to provide this information. Parents and carers often tell us that they don’t know how or when to start a conversation about pornography, even if they are worried about the potential harms of seeing it. Listen for some ideas.

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Episode #33: Early Years

Often people think that Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) is only for students in senior years of primary school or secondary school. However, there is a lot of information that can be taught to children even before they get to school. Expert educator Athi from Sexual Health Victoria, talks about what could be included in an RSE program in pre-school or kindergarten.

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Episode #34 Jayneen Sanders

In this episode, author and publisher Jayneen Sanders talks about her vision to empower young people from a young age with body safety information and protective behaviours. Her aim is to help keep children safe from abuse. Jayneen writes and publishes books and resources, which can be used by teachers, parents and carers. These can help with conversations about sometimes challenging topics like safe or unsafe secrets and body autonomy.

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Episode #35 Sex and the Law - Victoria Legal Aid

In this episode Clare from Victoria Legal Aid talks through the laws about sex that young people should know. These include age of consent, laws around viewing pornography, and explanations of grooming.

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Episode #31: Dr Gemma Sharp

In this episode, Anne talks to Dr Gemma Sharp. Gemma is a clinical psychologist and Senior Research Fellow in the Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre where she leads the Body Image Research Group. Gemma discusses young people and genital self-image, the rising popularity of labiaplasty surgery and the positive impact education can have on body image.

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Episode #32: The Pleasure Perspective

In this episode, Anne speaks with Karen Molhuysen from Sexual Health Quarters in Western Australia. SHQ is part of the Family Planning Alliance Australia, and does very similar work to SHV. Karen has some practical advice on starting a conversation about sex with the idea that sex is most often about pleasure.

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Episode #30: RSE Basics - COVID-19 Homework for Parents & Carers

In this episode we provide some small RSE homework tasks for each year level. SHV Schools Manager Bonnie details the skills and knowledge we would like students to have at different stages of their schooling. It is possible that due to COVID restrictions, students may miss out on planned RSE classes this year. Parents and carers who try a recommended task will be helping prepare their children for when life returns to something more like normal.

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Episode #29: Katrina Marson

In this episode Anne speaks with criminal lawyer Katrina Marson. Katrina has done extensive international research into Relationships and Sexuality Education as a preventive strategy to reduce the incidence of sexual violence in the community. Katrina discusses the potential impact of RSE programs, barriers to success, and what models work well in other parts of the world.

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Episode #27: Emergency Contraception

In this episode, Anne talks with Sexual Health Victoria Dr Sara Whitburn and pharmacist David from Woodhouse Grove Pharmacy about emergency contraception. Emergency contraception is used to prevent pregnancy if no contraceptive protection was used, if the condom broke, or if a contraceptive pill was missed. It's yet another important part of the sexual health conversation parents and carers can have with their young people. Dr Sara talks about how emergency contraception works and David talks through the process of purchasing this at a pharmacy.

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Episode #28: Abortion

In this episode SHV Medical Director Dr Kathy McNamee explains the process of abortion. This is something that students in secondary school often ask about. Young people want to know about the availability and privacy of abortion services. Kathy covers Australian laws around abortion, what might happen to someone’s body during an abortion and what support a person might need before and after an abortion.

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Episode #24: Contraception

In this episode, Dr Lona Brown from Sexual Health Victoria talks about contraception. This is an important part of our secondary school sex education. Lona talks through up-to-date information about contraception, including efficacy, cost and privacy. It is important for young people to have this information, so they are able to be responsible for their own sexual health and support their sexual partners.

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Episode #25: Sexually Transmissible Infections

In this episode, Dr Suzanne Pearson from SHV talks through Sexually Transmissible Infections (STI's). Learning about STI's is part of gaining an understanding of sexual health. Suzanne talks about the effect of STI's when they are not diagnosed and the availability of treatment. Also, the importance for young people to be confident to ask for testing and being able to discuss testing status with sexual partners.

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Episode #26: PrEP and PEP

In this episode, Anne speaks to SHV's Dr Lucy Donovan, about preventing human immunodeficiency virus or HIV through the use of Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP). PrEP and PEP are ways of using anti-viral medication to suppress HIV and stop its spread. PrEP and PEP might be used by people of all genders. Talking about these medications is an important part of a discussion about STI and BBV risk and safer sex practices. Many parents and carers aren't aware of how they are used, so here are the basics to get the conversation started.

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Episode #21: Condoms

In this episode, sexual health nurse Alison everything you ever wanted to know about condoms. As Educators, we are frequently asked to talk about condoms in our classes. Upper primary school children often have questions about them. Secondary school students get a lot more information about what condoms are, what they are used for and how to use them. We also discuss how to talk to young people about what to do if sex without a condom happens. Condoms are the only type of contraception that protects against both STI’s (sexually transmissible infections) and pregnancy. This is important information for everyone to know before they have a sexual experience. Enjoy!

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Episode #22: Inclusive Language

In this episode, Natalie from SHV talks us through inclusive language and how it applies to the way we talk about relationships and sexuality. In her work as Community Engagement and Health Promotions Officer, Natalie talks with many community groups to find out what is important to them, making SHV's services more inclusive and accessible. We discuss the importance of pronouns, define some key terms and are encouraged to challenge the stereotypes and prejudices that we all carry. Enjoy!

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Episode #23: The Pleasure Agenda

In this episode, SHV Chief Executive Officer, Claire Vissenga talks about pleasure. One of the most common reasons for people to choose a sexual relationship is the pursuit of pleasure. Yet discussions of pleasure are left out of curriculum and policy. Claire talks through SHV’s approach to this discussion and its importance. Enjoy!

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Episode #18: Fiona Katauskas on The Amazing True Story of How Babies Are Made

In this episode, we interview Fiona Katauskas. Fiona is a cartoonist, author and illustrator. She is the artist behind The Amazing True Story of How Babies are Made, a popular book that has been animated into a three-part series for families and schools. Fiona has created a funny, accurate and inclusive narrative as a way to guide a conversation about how babies are made. Sexual Health Victoria have endorsed the resource and we have seen first hand how classrooms of students react to its humour and honesty in such a positive way. In this episode we talk about the creative process of writing and animating this story and the reactions it has had. The Amazing True Story of How Babies Are Made is available in bookshops and online.

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Episode #19: What is Victorian Assisted Reproduction Treatment Authority (VARTA)?

In this episode, we interview Kate Bourne from the Victorian Assisted Reproduction Treatment Authority (VARTA). VARTA is responsible for the registration of reproductive clinics, public education, donor conception registers and can connect people with a sperm or egg donor. Statistically, there is a child in every class who was conceived through some kind of Assisted Reproductive Technology. When SHV run classes in primary school about making babies we talk about IVF and other types of Assisted Reproductive Technology. We think it is important that all types of conception are included. Kate discusses the role of VARTA, provides guidance about what to say to children about alternative methods of conception, and when to have those conversations. Enjoy!

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Episode #20: Trans & Gender Diverse Parents

In this episode, we interview writer and LGBTIQ advocate Jac Tomlins. Jac has created a resource called Trans and Gender Diverse Parents Guide. In it, she records the experience of parenting as a transgender, gender diverse person or a person who is transitioning while parenting. These individual stories are published together to start building a picture of a collective experience and provide insights and advice for people within the community (LGBTIQ and more broadly). Children often have questions about what it means to be transgender and what that might mean for someone's fertility. This guide provides insight into this experience and guidance on ways to communicate this to young people. Enjoy!

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Episode #16: Minus 18, Champions for LGTBIQ Youth

In this episode, we interview Miller Soding from Minus 18. Minus 18 is an Australian youth driven network for LGTBIQ young people. They run events, workshops and provide advocacy resources. Minus 18 is an agency that young people might know about through school. In this discussion, Miller answers questions about the type of work Minus 18 do and why it is so important. She also talks about some logistics of events that parents and carers might want to know about if they have a young person attending an event. Enjoy!

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Episode #17: Going to the doctor and FAQs

In this episode, we talk to SHV’s Nurse Educator Sam Read. Young people often ask questions about sexual health information and seek information about how to protect their privacy. Sam talks about what it takes for a young person to get themselves to the doctor. What age can someone see a doctor on their own? Does a parent have to know if a young person has been prescribed contraception? What even is Medicare and the My Health record? Enjoy!

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Episode #14: The Clitoris

In this episode, we speak with Vanessa Hamilton from Talking the Talk. She discusses the clitoris: a body part that is often left out of anatomy discussion. We talk about what it is, what young people need to know about it, what to say and when. Enjoy!

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Episode #13: Interview with Fida Sanjakdar on culture, faith and sexuality education

In this episode, we speak with Fida Sanjakdar. Fida is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Education at Monash University specializing in the intersection of culture, religion and sexuality education. Enjoy!

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Episode #15: What about consent?

In this episode, we speak with SHV educator Kit about consent. When do young people start to learn about consent? What should adults say about it? What does consent mean in a sexual relationship? What does the law say about consent? What does SHV say about consent in classes? Enjoy!

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Episode #10: Interview with Chris Fisher on the 6th National Survey of Australian Secondary Students and Sexual Health

In this episode, we chat with Chris Fisher. Chris is the Associate Professor at the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) at La Trobe University. Chris provides a summary of his findings within his recent national research survey about the sexual health knowledge and sexual behaviours of Australian students in grades 10 to 12. Click through to podbean to access a link to the 6th National Survey of Australian Secondary Students and Sexual Health 2019. Enjoy!

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Episode #11: Interview with Jenny Walsh

In this episode, we speak with Jenny Walsh. Jenny has been working the field of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in Australia and internationally for over 25 years. She is a former senior member of the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society at La Trobe University. She has authored resources and curriculum such as Catching on Early and Catching on Later which have been used by teachers to deliver RSE curriculum. Jenny tells us what has changed and what has stayed the same in Relationships and Sexuality Education. Enjoy!

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Episode #12: Interview with Holly Ann Martin

In this episode, we speak with Holly Ann Martin. Holly Ann is Managing Director of Safe 4 Kids, a child abuse prevention program. Anne speaks with Holly Ann about the program and its impact in remote areas of northern Australia, where Holly Ann works with whole communities. For more information about Holly Ann go to the Safe 4 Kids website. Enjoy!

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Episode #8: What is Masturbation?

In this episode, we talk about masturbation. Parents and carers often have questions about how and when to talk to young people about masturbation. Anne records this episode on her own. Enjoy!

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Episode #7: What is sex?

In this episode, we discuss how to talk with young people about sex. Talking about sex often accompanies discussions about puberty in mid-primary school classes, prompting further questions at home. Parents and carers might find it difficult to know what to say. Schools Educator Athi joins Anne to share some wisdom on how to start or continue these conversations at home. Enjoy!

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Episode #9: Cognitive Disability and Puberty

In this episode, we speak to Kardie from SHV’s Schools and Community team. Kardie works with young people with cognitive disability to help guide them through puberty and how to have respectful relationships. We talk about what young people with cognitive disability need to know about puberty, when they need to know it and how their experience may be the same or different to their neuro-typical peers. Enjoy!

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Episode #4: Body Image and Puberty

In this episode, we talk about young people and body image. As young people go through puberty, their body is likely to go through big changes. SHV Schools educator Andrea will talk about how to support your young person to feel confident about the body they are in as they navigate these changes. This episode is a part of a series about puberty. Enjoy!

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Episode #5: Sperm Production

In this episode, we talk about sperm production. SHV Schools Educator explains what we would say to students about bodies as they start to produce sperm during puberty. This episode is a part of a series about puberty. Enjoy!

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Episode #6: Periods

In this episode, we talk about periods. SHV Schools Education Manager Bonnie talks through the common questions that young people have about periods. How they work, myths and realities, talking about and managing periods. This episode is a part of a series about puberty. Enjoy!

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Episode #2: What is Puberty?

In this episode, we talk to SHV Schools Team Manager Bonnie about puberty. What do young people want to know? When do parents and carers need to talk about this? What are the changes that happen in puberty? We tackle the common in this episode. This episode is a part of a series about puberty. Enjoy!

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Episode #3: Taking care of your body

In this episode, we talk about ways young people can take care of their bodies as they go through puberty. They will need to understand the basics of how bodies work and how to manage changes like body odour and pimples. As a young person goes through puberty they are likely to want more independence privacy. In this episode FPV Schools Educator Sue talks about what young people need to know about taking care of their own body. This episode is a part of a series about puberty. Enjoy!

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Episode #1: Welcome to Doing 'IT'

In this episode, we introduce you to Doing 'IT'. A new podcast from Sexual Health Victoria. Listen to the experts as we discuss all things Relationships and Sexuality Education. Including: bodies, growing up, being safe, puberty, sex, identity, relationships, sexuality and sexual health. We know some parents and carers may find it difficult to have conversations about these topics with the young people in their lives. Having open and honest communication empowers young people to look after themselves in life and relationships. Doing ‘IT’ provides tips and resources to help parents, carers and teachers to start or continue these conversations. Enjoy!

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