FPAA MAC Clinical Reference Group Statements

If you are not a clinician then you should seek specific medical or legal advice on your individual circumstances.

Statements from the Clinical Reference Group of the Medical Advisory Committee of Family Planning Alliance Australia

The Medical Advisory Committee of Family Planning Alliance Australia (FPAA) has released a collection of clinical statements on various contraceptive topics for health practitioners.

The FPAA Medical Advisory Committee comprises senior medical educators, senior medical officers and medical directors of the member family planning organisations. The committee reviews current clinical practice and provides evidence and consensus-based recommendations for use by health practitioners.

The statements cover new and emerging contraception issues and guide areas where evidence is lacking.

Progestogen-only Methods



Etonogestrel implants (Implanon NXT®)

Combined Hormonal Contraception

Using the combined pill and vaginal ring to skip or delay bleeding is popular. Tailored pill-taking involves taking the combined pill or vaginal ring (changed every 3 weeks) continuously until 4 or more days of unscheduled bleeding occurs and then having a 4-day break.

Progestogen Only Oral Contraception

The Drospirenone Only Pill: Starting and Missed Pill Advice

Emergency Contraception

Rapid initiation of hormonal contraception decreases the efficacy of ulipristal in preventing pregnancy. If a user would like to start hormonal contraception, it will not affect the efficacy of ulipristal if it is delayed for 5 days after taking ulipristal. The efficacy of ulipristal might be decreased in current users of hormonal contraception.

The dose should be repeated if a person has a further episode of unprotected sex after taking oral emergency contraception.

Drug interactions with hormonal contraceptives

General contraception issues

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If you are not a clinician then you should seek specific medical or legal advice on your individual circumstances.