International health promotion principles
As a health promotion agency, Sexual Health Victoria's work is underpinned by the health promotion principles established and/or reiterated in a number of landmark international statements, including the:
- Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986)
- Jakarta Declaration on Leading Health Promotion into the 21st Century (1996)
- Cairo Declaration on Population and Development (1994)
- Fourth World Conference on Women Beijing Declaration (1995)
- Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a Globalized World (2005)
- Nairobi Call to Action (2009)
The most recent, the Nairobi Call to Action (2009), describes the value that health promotion adds as a core element of global, regional, national and local health development. It reinforces the first commitment of the Bangkok Charter and calls for five urgent actions:
- Strengthen leadership and workforces
- Mainstream health promotion
- Empower communities and individuals
- Enhance participatory processes
- Build and apply knowledge
These actions are reflected in the key priority areas and objectives of our 2023 - 2028 Strategic Plan.